**Article I: Core Values**
Section 1: Purpose of Core Values
The Core Values of the CoS (Champions of Swords) serve as the guiding principles for all interactions, decisions, and conduct within the organization.
Section 2: Chivalric Virtues
CoS members and participants shall uphold the chivalric virtues of honor and service in all their interactions with fellow CoS members.
Section 3: Responsible Stewardship
CoS members are committed to being responsible stewards of the organization's resources, ensuring their efficient and ethical use.
Section 4: Fairness and Respect
a) CoS members shall deal fairly with others, valuing and respecting the worth and dignity of all individuals.
b) The organization promotes inclusiveness and respects diversity in all its activities.
Section 5: Safe and Respectful Environment
CoS is dedicated to promoting a safe and respectful environment for all members and participants, free from harassment or discrimination.
Section 6: Transparency and Integrity
CoS members pledge to act with transparency, fairness, integrity, and honesty in all their dealings.
Section 7: Harassment-Free Environment
a) CoS spaces must remain free from harassment, and any instances of harassment will be addressed promptly and decisively.
b) Harassment includes, but is not limited to, any unwelcome behavior based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic.
Section 8: Reputation
CoS members shall avoid behavior that reflects adversely on the CoS or other CoS members and participants.
**Article II: Implementation of Core Values**
Section 1: Education and Training
CoS will provide education and training programs to help members understand and adhere to these Core Values.
Section 2: Enforcement
a) Any violation of these Core Values may result in appropriate actions, including but not limited to warnings, suspension, or expulsion from the organization.
b) The CoS leadership shall establish procedures for addressing violations and ensure due process is followed.
**Article III: Amendments**
Section 1: Amendment Process
These Bylaws, including the Core Values, may be amended by a vote of the CoS Board Committee, following a period of notice and discussion.